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SACE accreditation

SACE accreditation

15 Mar 2022

We are proud to announce that our short-learning programme KaziKidz Foundation Phase has officially been accredited by the South African Council for Educators (SACE).

This marks a significant step towards achieving lasting impact because it tackles one of the KaziBantu project’s hardest questions: How to introduce lasting change within an educational system and contribute to quality physical education (QPE) according to the principles of the UNESCO?

No matter how thorough you investigate this question – you will certainly (and hopefully) end up with a complex and wildly facetted answer.

Nevertheless, the KaziBantu project has to face this exact challenge, as it is indeed trying to induce positive support and change within the educational system. More specifically: within a small sub-section of the educational system: promoting good quality physical and health education, that is.

As part of our effort to achieve lasting impact, there’s one pathway we deem to be utterly promising: continued professional development.


We are convinced that lasting change can effectively be brought to schools and learners through teachers as role models themselves. And hence, through continued professional development (CPD) programs for teachers. Of course one can not ignore systemic circumstances: it would be inappropriate to expect teachers to compensate for systemic shortfalls which are out of their area of influence. However, within their area of influence already a lot can be achieved.

In South Africa, teachers have to acquire 150 professional development (CPD) points per three-year-cycle. Such points can be acquired, amongst others, by taking part in accredited courses. And this is why we are very excited about the accreditation of our short-learning program:

Teachers can now obtain 15 CPD points by attending the KaziKidz Foundation Phase Short Learning Programme and report these points to the South African Council for Educators (SACE) as part of their professional development activities.

This was made possible by a collaborative effort, with significant support from Dr Deborah Zeller from the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg), MSc Daniele Dolley and all project members at the Human Movement Sciences Department from Nelson Mandela University Gqeberha and at the Department of Sport, Exercise and Health from University of Basel.