Continued Teacher Education

Professional development courses promoting physical education and lifestyle behavior changes

KaziBantu offers opportunities for teachers to learn and practice new skills in the classroom and to acquire professional development points from the South African Council for Educators SACE. The KaziKidz SLP and the KaziHealth SLP foster an effective and health promoting teaching environment.

KaziKidz SLP

Physical Education Short Learning Programme


In South Africa, physical education (PE) lost its standalone status as a subject and became a component of Life Skills and Life Orientation.

Teachers appointed to teach these subjects are seldom specialists in all the focus areas, resulting in PE often being taught by non-specialist teachers who don’t necessarily have the confidence to teach PE content.

A quality physical education programme across all phases of school promotes the skills, knowledge, and values for lifetime physical activity participation among learners.


A face-to-face two day course that aims to enhance teachers’ current PE pedagogical content knowledge and assist them further by making the KaziKidz teaching material available.

Accredited by SACE, the SLP allows teachers to obtain 15 CPD-points and report these to SACE as part of their professional development activities.


Covered topics

Pedagogical understanding of growth and motor development of children.

Age-appropriate movement content for learners.

Practical strategies in presenting creative PE lessons.

Class management skills for challenging environments.

Knowledge and skills for assessments.

Overview and introduction to the KaziKidz Toolkit.

Next courses

Currently no KaziKidz SLP courses are planned.

If your are interested to host a course, please contact us.

KaziHealth SLP

Workplace Health Promotion Short Learning Programme

Start your KaziHealth journey, by enrolling for the free KaziHealth E-Learning course, a Short Learning Programme in the process of accreditation by the South African Council for Educators (SACE).


An increasing number of South Africa’s educators are at risk of lifestyle-related diseases, 80% of which are preventable with lifestyle modification.


An online course that teaches you about stress and sleep management, how to make better-eating choices, how to move more, and how to introduce small behaviour changes towards a healthier lifestyle.

By leading a healthy lifestyle, you can reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol, prevent high blood sugar leading to diabetes and improve mental health conditions. You probably will feel better, manage your stress and sleep more easily and enjoy more aspects of your life.

Even more, you can become a positive role model for others – your family, learners at school, your colleagues and the community.

The course is freely available to all educators and can be completed in your own time.

Private & password-protected area of the SACE accredited Short Learning Programmes (SLPs)

  • SLP 1: KaziKidz – Foundation Phase (Grade 1-3)
    (provider: Nelson Mandela University; provider number: HE000000342; SACE accredited; 15 Professional Development points)
  • SLP 2: KaziKidz – Intermediate – and Senior Phase (Grade 4-7)
    (provider: Nelson Mandela University; provider number: HE000000624; SACE accredited; 15 Professional Development points)