“In addition to physical education lessons and the interschool sports league, project partner Kazibantu conducted a short learning programme with 60 foundation phase teachers in September. The training equips teachers with the tools to facilitate physical education lessons and to integrate a range of physical education activities into their classrooms. The KaziKidz teaching material is a groundbreaking resource freely available to teachers across the country. The first training had teachers moving and helped them understand the importance of physical activity — for both teachers and pupils. “The beauty of the Siyaphakama project is that it was created in collaboration,” the Kolisi Foundation’s education and sports programme co-ordinator, Alison Claassen, said.” Herald LIVE press release on 04 October 2022.
A Merit Award for KaziHealth
A Merit Award for KaziHealth
KaziHealth, a mobile application developed by Nelson Mandela University’s Centre for Community...